Saturday, March 17, 2012

Turtle Bread

this is one of the projects I have done with my kids a half a dozen times over the past two months. They never get tired of it. We call it turtle bread. Yes, it is cute, but it is also really tasty bread. If you don't want to mess with shaping the bread into the shape of a turtle, feel free to just make a normal loaf of bread. The addition of the vinegar makes the bread nice and tender. I usually prefer to make wheat bread, but this is my go to white bread recipe. Quick, easy, and delicious.

Turtle Bread

2 1/2 tsp yeast
3 TBSP powdered milk
1 tsp salt
3 cups bread flour
1 TBSP butter
3 TBSP honey
1 tsp vinegar
1 cup warm water

Combine everything EXCEPT the warm water in a bowl. Add the water and knead 5 to 6 minutes. Add more flour if neccesary to make a smooth dough. Cover and let rise one hour. Gently deflate and divide the dough into seven pieces.

One 2 inch ball(turtles head)
5 1 inch balls(turtles legs and tail)
One large ball with the rest of the dough(the turtles shell)

Place the large ball on a greased baking sheet and flatten slightly. Shape four of the one inch balls into the turtles legs, and the remaining 1 inch ball into his tail. Flatten the end that you want to attach to the turtle slightly. Brush a small amount of water on the flattened portion of dough and attach it under the turtle's shell. (The water acts as glue) Shape the two inch ball into the turtle's head and again flatten one side slightly and use water to attach under the turtle's shell. Using a sharp knife, make three cuts in the turtle's shell and then three more going the opposite direction. Push two raisins into the turtles head for eyes. Allow to rise 20 to 30 minutes. Bake in a 350 degree oven 25 to 30 minutes until the internal temperature reaches 190 degrees. Enjoy

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