Saturday, March 17, 2012

Curried Coconut Chicken

This is one of my daughter's favorite meals. She told me one time she thought this was heaven on a plate. I was so proud, she is really developing a love for food and cooking. This curry is so simple to make, yet the flavor is quite complex. The heat and warmth from the curry pairs so nicely with the slight sweetness from the coconut milk and raisins. We always serve it over rice and use naan bread to sop up the extra sauce.

Curried Coconut Chicken
(adapted from

1 pound boneless skinless chicken breast, chunked
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 1/2 TBSP vegetable oil
2 TBSP curry powder
1 1/2 tsp Garam Masala (optional, but highly recommended)
1/2 onion, thinkly sliced
2 colves garlic, minced
1 can (14 oz) coconut milk
1 can (14.5 oz)stewed diced tomoates
1 can (8 oz)tomato sauce
3 TBSP sugar

For garnish:
Chopped cilantro
Toasted Coconut

Season the chicken with salt and pepper. Heat oil. Add curry powder and Garam Masala and cook 2 minutes. Add the onions and garlic and saute another 2 minutes. Add the chicken and saute 7 minutes. Pour in coconut milk, stewed tomatoes, tomato sauce, and sugar. Simmer 40 minutes. Serve over rice. Top with cilantro, raisins, and a little toasted coconut

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