Saturday, March 17, 2012

Brown Butter Roasted Potatoes

Now onto the recipe. This is a dish that I had for the first time around Thanksgiving. My whole family was together celebrating my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. It was a bittersweet time for me. I had just found out about everything with D. I was dying inside and trying to put on a happy face for my family. However I loved being with my family, and I loved eating with them!!! My family likes to eat. I mean they LIKE to eat. For dinner one night we had "Compston Burgers" A specialty my Grandma invented (I will have to do another post on them. They are definitely one of my childhood favorites) with the MOST delicious potatoes I have ever eaten. I, of course, asked my aunt how she made them and when she told me I almost didn't believe her. It was so simple. TOO simple to make what I now believe is my FAVORITE way to eat potatoes. If I had read this recipe in a cookbook I would have skipped right over it. And I shudder to think I might have had to live my whole life without tasting these potatoes... Okay maybe that's a little dramatic, but really they are THAT good.

This is more method than recipe. No exact measurements, sorry

Jenn's Favorite Potatoes

Small red potatoes
Coarse Kosher Salt
VERY coarse pepper (I buy whole peppercorns, put some on a ziploc bag, take them outside, and hammer them a bit. Don't make them too fine)
Olive oil

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Throw some butter (I use about 4 TBSP)in a baking dish. Let it melt in the oven. Wash the potatoes. (I use about three pounds). Dry them. When the butter is melted put the potatoes in the baking dish and turn to coat. Drizzle with some olive oil. Sprinkle generously with kosher salt. (Don't be afraid to put a good amount of salt) Sprinkle with the pepper. Put back in the oven for 2 hours. I know, I know 2 hours is a long time. But that's it, don't cover them, don't check on them, just let them cook. It will be worth it, I promise. When they are done transfer to a serving bowl and pour the sauce created in the bottom of the pan over the potatoes.

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