Saturday, March 17, 2012

Banana Milkshakes

I always have really ripe bananas in the freezer. Anytime we don't finish a bunch, which hardly ever happens, I throw them in the freezer. I also always check the produce section for bananas that are marked down because they are past that perfect pretty yellow. I stock up when I see them on sale. I just throw them in the freezer for banana milkshakes, banana bread, banana pancakes, etc. For these milkshakes you want the bananas to be really ripe. Don't let the ingredient list fool you. This really does make a very creamy milkshake.

Banana "Milkshakes"

3 bananas, frozen
A splash of vanilla
milk, I start with about 1 1/2 cups and then add more as needed, it depends on the size of your bananas

Cut the bananas into large chunks. Put in blender, add milk and vanilla. Blend until smooth and creamy!

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