Saturday, March 17, 2012

Toasted MArshmallow Milkshakes

When I saw this recipe I was instantly intrigued and so excited to try it out. I saw this recipe on a blog that I recently discovered and it has quickly become one of my favorites. The blog is called A Cozy Kitchen. You should head over and check it out. Back to the recipe. Toasted Marshmallow Milkshakes. Do I really need to add a description of how wonderful these were, or does the name alone cover that?

My oldest daughter had her last day of school on Friday and we like to celebrate the last day of school. After spending the afternoon playing board games, her favorite thing to do, we finished the evening off with these milkshakes and lots of dancing! I'll spare you the details of the dancing and focus on the milkshakes. These were so good. It combines two of our favorites treats into the most delicious milkshake. The toasted marshmallow flavor really comes through, and then every so often you get a chunk of a toasted marsmallow. Wow! So yummy. I think I need to make another one soon. (When I say soon, I mean once I hit publish post, I plan on getting out the blender) I think the trick to making these is not to overmix once you add the marshmallows. The chunks of toasted marshmallow really take these over the top! On the next hot day, try these, your kids will thank you....repeatedly!!!!

Toasted Marshmallow Milkshakes
from A Cozy Kitchen

1 TBSP milk
1 heaping TBSP vanilla yogurt(the original recipe called for plain yogurt, but I only had vanilla)
3 scoops vanilla ice cream
5 marshmallows
Whipped cream

Toast marshamllows under a broiler until a dark golden brown.

While the marshmallows are toasting add milk, yogurt, and ice cream to a blender. Blend just until combined. Add three of the hot marshmallows to the blender and pulse a few times until the marshmallows are broken up some. Do NOT over mix.

Pour into a glass and top with a little whipped cream and then put the last two marshmallows right on top.

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