Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bagel Dogs

My kids love Costco. I mean they LOVE Costco. They call it the sample store. They love trying all the things I never buy for them. They have missed it desperately since we have moved and the nearest Costco is over an hour away. Their most precious memory of visiting Costco happened when we living in Virginia. They were sampling Bagel Dogs. Mini hot dogs wrapped in bagel dough. My kids thought this was genius, and were quite put out when I didn't put a box of them in my cart. I felt they were overpriced and was certain I could create something just as good at home for a fraction of the price. Try explaining that to a one and two year old. I wasn't super popular that day either.

I redeemed myself at dinner tonight. I have tried several different bagel dough recipes to make these, and this one is a winner. It has that nice "chew" you want with a bagel, and the flavor was great. The kids only complaint was I didn't use mini hot dogs like they had at Costco. Sometimes you just can't win. But I would rather cut the hot dogs into thirds than bring another cricket into the house!

Bagel Dogs

12 hot dogs (I prefer Nathan's)

2 cups warm water
1 TBSP yeast
3 TBSP sugar
2 tsp salt
2 tsp vegetable oil
2 TBSP cornmeal
5 to 6 cups bread flour

Water to boil them in
3 TBSP honey
1 TBSP salt

Coarse salt (optional)
Whisk the water, sugar, and yeast together. Let stnad 3 minutes. Whisk in salt, oil, cornmeal, and 2 cups of the flour. Add the remaining flour and knead 10 minutes. Add additional flour if needed to make a stiff dough. Cover and let rise 45 minutes.

Gently deflate and divide into 12 pieces. Form each piece into a rope about 8 to 10 inches long. Wrap one rope around each hot dog. Overlap the dough on the ends, and seal so it stays put. Spray some plastic wrap with cooking spray, cover the bagels and let rise 20 minutes.

Meanwhile bring about 6 quarts of water, 3 TBSP honey, and 1 TBSP salt to a simmer. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place the bagel dogs two at a time in the simmering water and cook 30 seconds, flip them over, and cook another 30 seconds. Place on a greased baking sheet. Sprinkle with a little coarse salt if desired.

Bake until nicely browned. About 18 to 22 minutes.

Note: I usually only make eight bagel dogs, and use the other four "ropes" to make regular bagels. Just form a ring with the rope and follow the same boiling and baking instructions.

Guess what we're having for breakfast tomorrow?

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